Welcome to Wandering Insider, a project to help make the real world a more social place.
Growing up I always felt dissatisfied with America’s lack of social opportunities. I would look at all the rows of big houses in the suburbs from behind our car window and wonder, where do all the people go when they want to get together, hang out and have a good time? As I grew older I began to see how limited our social options were.
Thankfully, social media and the ability to connect online has slowly made talking to strangers less weird and made us more easy going around people we don’t know.
While this has excited me, studies show we’re not currently getting the psychological benefits we’re supposed to get from socializing. Despite the ease with which we can now communicate with people, a recent study concluded that most Americans are still considered lonely.
The goal of Wandering Insider is to further a a real world that is just a bit more social and cultivate the idea that it’s okay to chat with the people standing in line, out taking walks, sitting at the airport or in other public places.
Wandering Insider is my journey doing all that, shared with all of you.
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